Larry Najera is the official photographer and drone pilot for the Cherry Blossom Festival. For 2022, Larry created the official 40th Cherry Blossom Festival poster and Koi fish t-shirt to commemorate the 40th year, honoring Japan. For the past three years, Larry has captured photos throughout the festival, created the official posters, postcards and the Cherry Blossom Party Time music video –
Larry is Macon-based award-winning communications designer, photographer, videographer and digital artist with more than 30 years of experience in producing multimedia projects including print, video and websites. As a photographer and videographer, Larry has captured ground and aerial footage of Middle Georgia, including Macon, producing videos, immersive panoramas and 360 degree virtual tours which are featured in his fine art photography.
To check out more about Larry Najera, and
Larry Najera Designs,, follow the links!